If you are preparing for a restorative treatment, Dr. Keyur Patoliya, Dr. Dhaval Shah and Dr. Haritha Ghanta may use the iTero® digital scanner to better understand your dental needs by taking high-quality images of your mouth.

What is an iTero Digital Scanner?
The iTero digital scanner is a revolutionary technology used by dentists to take three-dimensional images of your mouth. These high-resolution images are in full color, allowing for easier viewing of the teeth and jaws, which lends to more precise diagnosis and treatment.

What is it used for?
This technology not only used for imaging but also in the creation of digital models, which are used to create oral appliances and dental restorations if you need to restore your smile. The iTero prediction software can even simulate how your teeth might look after successful treatment.

How does it work?
Our trained dentists and team run small mouth wand gently around in your mouth to scan images of your teeth in real time. These images are captured within seconds, providing complete accuracy so you do not have to be scanned again.

Learn more about iTero digital scanning in Limerick, Pennsylvania, below and call American Dental Excellence at 484-902-0100 to meet with our dentists.